TENS unit rentals & sales
Six reasons to consider a TENS for labor
ONE - Using a TENS unit during labor offers a drug free option to pain relief. The word TENS is short for transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation which involves the use of low current electrical currents to treat pain. Four electrodes are placed on your upper and lower back area at the site of pain, delivering electricity that travels through the area of nerve fibers just under your skin to bring relief.
TWO – TENS units are most beneficial when started in early labor! Firstly, by applying the TENS unit early in labor allows your body's natural endorphins to release. The tingling sensation of the electrical current allows your brain to release these endorphins and mediate the pain experience. Secondly, by using a TENS unit during labor the gate control theory of pain asserts that a non-painful input signal (the TENS unit) closes the gates to the painful input from the labor contractions.
THREE – A TENS unit can and should be started in early labor for maximum benefit. Mom can use a TENS unit at home in early labor. We know the benefit of laboring at home for early labor which can be roughly 2/3 of your labor! A TENS unit is a small hand held device that is controlled by the laboring mother. Psychologically, this is great for Mom because she feels in control of her labor!
FOUR- A TENS unit is portable which gives Mom's the freedom to move and use different positions for labor. Moms benefit from movement during labor. The pads that come with the TENS unit are sticky pads that can be re-applied 10-15 times, so if Mom chooses to try hydro- therapy (bath or shower) during labor, she can remove and re-apply the pads. A TENS unit does not interfere with external monitoring using a doppler device, analgesics or Nitrous oxide.
FIVE - Using a TENS unit in labor may help Mom get to a more optimal point in her labor to receive epidural anesthesia if she chooses.
SIX - Maternity TENS units have been used in England and Australia since the 1970's. They have been FDA approved for post surgery and traumatic pain. As this article written by Evidence based birth mentions, "The history of using TENS for pain relief may date as far back as the year A.D. 63, when the physician to the Roman emperor reported that he could relieve pain by standing on electrical fish at the seaside."

TENS instructional use
Be sure to watch the instructional video
Please take the time to watch the instructional video to familiarize yourselves with the TENS unit. You will receive your TENS in the mail about 2 weeks before your delivery date. PLEASE SAVE THE BOX AND THE RETURN POSTAGE PAID SHIPPING LABEL!
You can start using your TENS for practice once you have reached 37 weeks. The pads will stick multiple times especially if you clean off the area with the enclosed alcohol prep pads.
Once labor starts: PUT YOUR TENS ON AS SOON AS LABOR STARTS! Starting your TENS in early labor increases the endorphins, a natural pain reliever!
Once your baby has arrived, please place everything BUT THE PADS back in the box and affix the attached label for shipping.
We wish you a very safe and happy birth!

Watch to learn more

TENS Instructional Video

TENS Informational Video
Frequently Asked Questions
The recommendation is to submit your order about 4 weeks prior to your due date.